Flerskrogsfartøy (multihull) herunder katamaran med to og trimaran med tre skrog. Westamaran som er en båttype med et enkelt skrog delt i to.
Surface effect ship (SES), på norsk luftputekatamaran, er en kombinasjon av katamaran og luftputefartøy. Den ble primært solgt til ruterederier på Vestlandet og i Nord-Norge. Katamaran (av tamil kattu «bundet» og maram «tre») er en type båt eller skip med to skrog som er forbundet med hverandre gjennom bjelker eller ei plattform. Båttypen, som nedstammer fra stokkebåten, ble trolig oppfunnet av paravas-folket, et fiskersamfunn på sørkysten av Tamil Nadu i India.
A catamaran is a better choice if you are looking for minimal work on deck. Also, catamarans are perfect for holding events and parties on board while still maintaining their stability on the water. Here is a list of the best catamarans under feet. Yes, they can capsize in a bad accident, but it’s better to be rescued floating on the water’s surface than sinking to the bottom in a monohull.
Plus, moving around on a flat deck is much safer than on a deck at an angle. Once you’re upside down in a catamaran, you stay upside down, and who wants that in the middle of a large ocean? See full list on yachtsinternational. MK: Cruising catamarans are faster than monohulls, and sailing catamarans can sail half the speed of the win depending upon their angle.
DP:Due to their lower wetted surface area, catamarans are certainly faster, but you pay the price with a slapping and uncomfortable ride. Sailing catamarans are inefficient upwind and tack very slowly.
MK:Want to save money on fuel? Since catamarans have reduced wetted surface area on their hulls, they are much more fuel-efficient. In light winds, they can use just one engine to propel the boat. DP:True, in flat water, assuming equal number and horsepower of engines.
But, not so much in heavier weather, where the higher efficiency of a monohull design presents less resistance. MK:The biggest perk is having all rooms on the same level. Most cruising cats have a four-cabin layout, popular for charter companies. Owner versions” typically have three cabins, using one hull as a large cabin, which is great for entertaining.
DP:Most catamarans have a large central living area with not one but two cramped staircases—one on either side—to get down into the hulls. The spaces in the hulls feel a bit like living in a tube. In an emergency, communication with someone in the other hull would be difficult.
Having two engines about feet apart eliminates the need for a bow thruster. They also have shallow drafts, so you can navigate into places you can’t get to with a monohull, and you can anchor closer to shore.
They can make sharper turns and navigate much more easily through narrow channels and tight spaces. Plus, their higher hull displacements reduce the adverse effects of cross winds in tight conditions. MK:While it’s easy to dock a catamaran, the unique size doesn’t always fit into a traditional slip, but with some skill and careful planning, there shouldn’t be a problem finding space.
You could also anchor or moor the boat and take the dinghy to shore, which is even easier to dock than a monohull. DP:Who wants to take two separate boats to shore? A monohull is much easier to dock, takes up less space, and is cheaper to dock, haul and slip.
MK:With catamarans, there is two of everything, so there’s certainly a trade-off of maintenance cost to reliability and redundancy. A huge benefit of having two of everything is you have a backup.
So you can usually still use the boat if one component isn’t working, such as running on one engine if the other fails. DP:While redundancy is great, I’ll take reduced maintenance and repair costs any day. Two of everything certainly gives you some backups, but if one of the two hulls “isn’t working,” I doubt you’ll want to take the boat out. Heeling on a monohull with unexpected gusts can be dangerous and uncomfortable, not to mention cause seasickness.
DP:The trade-off, again, is a noisy ride and a quick motion, which many people find uncomfortable in heavier weather. In a monohull sailboat, the heeling action actually provides stability, spills wind from the sails and adds an element of safety. MK:The ability to walk around most of the boat and entertain guests without rocking is more comfortable on a catamaran, making them very family-friendly.
Did you know that seasickness is slim to none on a catamaran? DP:Fortunately, I’m not prone to seasickness, but I once felt quite seasick on a sailing catamaran! True, entertaining on a multihull is often more comfortable because the platform is stable. But after a couple of gin and tonics, it doesn’t seem to matter as much for some reason.

MK:With a minimum of two of everything, cost can run high. Since most catamarans are not built in the United States, there are delivery costs involved when purchasing the boat. Maintenance costs, which are significantly higher than for a monohull, need to be factored in when making a buying decision. The main difference between a trimaran and a catamaranis the hull.
The cat consists of a double hull design, which is classic, simpler, and sleeker. A trimaran, on the other han is a multihull vessel that possesses smaller outrigger hulls attached to the main hull and looks a bit like a spaceship to some, with a more futuristic design that stands out among other boats. However, there are other differences as well. Thetrimaran is somewhat lacking in this area, resembling a monohull on the space front.

Both types of boats are designed to be comfortable and simple about their furnishings and layouts. A catamaran’s exterior is the most classic of the two vessels and will garner less attention. The exterior is a matter of personal taste in most cases. The trimaranstands out, due to its unusual hull design.
Some sailors love the boat that is vaguely reminiscent of a UFO, while others are sticklers for traditional designs and look down on the trimaran. The multi-hulled trimaran wins this category due to its purpose of being a sailing vessel used for sport. This makes it quicker to respon rig, and build speed. A catamaranis designed for cruising at a leisurely pace, not racing around the water.
A trimaran is best suited for the more adventurous types of sailors. You want to charter this boat if you want to move fast! The choice between a catamaran and a trimaranmust take into account the needs of the sailor, as well as personal preference. A sailor looking for a peaceful trip at a slower pace should find a catamaran.
On the other han if you want to zip through the water and get your blood pumping, find a good trimaran! Make the right choice now and you can find yourself skippering your own charter tomorrow!to Cruising Sea newsletterto receive every two weeks the latest post straight to your inbox! Have you sailed a catamaran or a trimaran? If so, please share your experience in the comments below.

Both catamarans and monohulls can make great sailboats and each has some disadvantages. When making your decision on a catamaran vs. So I guess I owe everyone.
We have traveled thousands of miles on both a trawler and a catamaran. Monohull: Conclusion. The time spent on both boats was thoroughly enjoyed. This article is here to explain to you the pros and cons of a trawler vs.
Speaking of comfort underway, a catamaran vs a monohull will sail differently. Downwin cats feel like a house gliding on the ocean at spee while monos roll from side to side.
Catamaran Vs Yacht – Everything You Need to Know. Multihulls are unusually fast when sailing downwind for reasons just mentioned above. Relying on coasting to a dock at a shallow angle and then going into reverse and using prop walk to cozy up the stern won’t work.
In a catamaran, the pontoons form part of the boat and will also feature storage spaces and inboard motors inside of each tube. Please try again later. Playback ID: un_Szu0z44gRpJrQ) Learn More.
Unlike most catamarans, Adrenaline’ s hulls are not open to the main cabin. We like this set up because when we have guests over everyone has their own separate space. This is also a big help because Jetty is not too fond of “others”. Having natural light and a decent view can make the living space much more comfortable.
With monohulls, most of the living space is "down below" whereas for catamarans, most of the living area happens "up" in the saloon which is located between and above the two hulls. This creates two different environments.