The bumps filled with thick fluid and a depression or dimple in the center are characteristic. Kopper ( variola ), på eldre norsk også pokker eller små pokker, var en meget smittsom og farlig virussykdom hos mennesker. Den følgende kliniske beskrivelse omhandler variola major. Prodrom-fase (dag 1-3): akutt innsettende feber og influensalignende sykdom.
De fleste personer blir for syke til å utføre vanlige aktiviteter. Tidlig utslett (varighet ca. dager): Utslett, først som små røde prikker på tunge og i munn, disse utvikler seg til åpne sår.
They are found in the tropical Indo-Pacific and their distribution extends from the Red Sea to South Africa across the Indian Ocean and east to the islands of the central Pacific. Thousands of years ago, variola virus (smallpox virus) emerged and began causing illness and deaths in human populations, with smallpox outbreaks occurring from time to time. Smallpox is a highly contagious and deadly disease caused by the variola virus.
It was estimated to have infected 3million people in the 20th Century before it became the only human infectious disease ever to be completely eradicated. Today, the only potential source of smallpox infection is an unintentional laboratory release or a biological attack. See full list on centerforhealthsecurity.
Several factors contribute to the concern about the use of smallpox as a biological weapon: 1. Variola can spread from person to person. It has a high fatality rate. Smallpox spreads from person to person by respiratory droplets or direct contact with body fluids. Contaminated clothing or bedding may also transmit the virus.
Animals and insects are not known to carry or spread the virus to humans. Individuals diagnosed with or suspected of having smallpox should be isolated to prevent the spread of disease.
Household and other face-to-face contacts of patients who have, or are suspected of having, smallpox should be vaccinated and placed under surveillance. For smallpox patients in the hospital, airborne precautions (see CDC Isolation Precautions Guidelines) should be followe and all hospital personnel should be vaccinated. Diagnosis of smallpox is based on clinical presentation of symptoms in the patient and is confirmed by laboratory testing.
Source: WHO Smallpox slide set as a PDF A rash of small, pink bumpsappears in the mouth, on the face and forearms, and then spreads to the trunk of the body and legs, including the palms and soles. A person infected with smallpox is thought to be contagious from the time the rash appears to the time it heals (~weeks). Survivors are often left disfigure with permanent scars on the face. In contrast to smallpox, chickenpox.
Antibiotics may help treat secondary bacterial infections, and supportive therapy might also benefit patients. There is no currently licensed antiviral treatment for smallpox.
Strategic National Stockpile(SNS). This vaccine contains live vaccinia virus, a relative of variola.
On rare occasions, immunization with vaccinia vaccines can cause serious and potentially life-threatening reactions. Because of the potential for these reactions, newer vaccines are being pursued. The SNS contains enough smallpox vaccine to immunize every person in the U. Stocks of variola major were kept in only two countries, the United States and Russia, which had cultivated the virus as part of their biological weapons programs during the Cold War.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the increasing sophistication and viciousness of international terrorist groups raised concerns that entire populations were now vulnerable to deliberate infestation. Varíola foi uma doença infeciosa causada por uma de duas estirpes do vírus da varíola – variola major e variola minor. Before smallpox was eradicate it was a serious infectious disease caused by the variola virus.
It was contagious—meaning, it spread from one person to another. People who had smallpox had a fever and a distinctive, progressive skin rash.

Most people with smallpox recovere but about out of every people with the disease died. Early symptoms include high fever and fatigue.

The resulting spots become filled with clear fluid and later, pus, and then form a crust, which eventually dries up and falls off. Dette kom delvis av at den mindre patogene virusvarianten variola minor etter hvert dominerte utbruddene på bekostning av variola major.
Kopper var en akutt, smittsom og meget alvorlig sykdom med karakteristisk utslett. See templates for discussion to help reach a consensus. Sykdommen finnes særlig i sørlige lan blant annet i Afrika, Brasil og i sørstatene i USA, men den opptrer også i Vest-Europa. The variola virus is among the most dangerous of all the potential biological weapons.
Direct transmission of the virus requires fairly prolonged face-to-face contact. Indirectly from an infected. Only humans can get this disease, but it probably came a virus which infected animals.
The virus can be transmitted: Directly from person to person.