Cersei and Robert made a political marriage alliance after Robert took the throne by force from the Mad King Aerys II Targaryen. He has an older brother, Joffrey, and an older sister Myrcella with the same obfuscated parentage.
See full list on gameofthrones. He also confirmed that they did not cast Dean-Char. Tommen was extremely emotional, crying helplessly when his sister Myrcel.

He is a gentle boy with an interest in tournaments and kittens. He is blonde haire green eye plump, and not very good at martial skills (though he is very young), but he does try hard. He is repeatedly knocked into the mud and loses easily, but shows good sportsman. This worked out swimmingly for Tommen, who was granted the largest leap in age out of all the kiddos.
Tommen Baratheon on A of Ice and Fire (Major spoilers from the books) 2. But on the show, his starting age was 10. When the books starte he was a wee years old.
Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones. In the television adaptation Game of Thrones, he is played by Callum Wharry in seasons and and by Dean-Charles Chapman in seasonsand 6. Il est également le frère cadet du roi Joffrey et de la. Il est couronné roi à la mort de son frère Joffrey et épouse Margaery Tyrell. Tommen assiste a Joffrey prendere in giro Tyrion.
Sembra divertito dalla rappresentazione satirica della "Guerra dei Cinque Re" interpretata da cinque nani che combattono tra loro, ma è poi imbarazzato quando Joffrey si prende gioco dello zio Tyrion, seduto accanto a lui. Over Million Visitors. He is the third husband of Queen Margaery Tyrell. The second son of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister.
Chociaż oficjalnie jest synem zmarłego króla Roberta I Baratheona i królowej Cersei Lannister jego prawdziwy ojciec to ser Jaime Lannister, brat bliźniak królowej. Jego jedyni biologiczni dziadkowie, Tywin i Joanna Lannisterowie, byli kuzynostwem pierwszego stopnia. Band – Der Thron des Sieben Königreiche 2. Poniżej znajdziesz artykuły odnoszące się do tego zagadnienia.
Postać z sagi Pieśń lodu i ognia George’a R. Martina, występująca w książkach Gra o tron, Starcie królów, Nawałnica mieczy, Uczta dla wron i Taniec ze smokami. Callum Wharry played the youngest son of Cersei Lannister until the role was recast with Dean-Charles Chapman for season 4. Tommen er den yngste af dronning Cersei Lannisters børn.
Efter hans brors, Joffrey Baratheon, uventede død bliver han kronet som konge over De Syv Kongeriger, selvom han hurtigt bliver påvirket af sin mor Cersei og sin kone Margaerys modstridende interesser. The world is full of horrors, Tommen. You can fight them, or laugh at them, or look without seeing. Es, de forma oficial, el tercer hijo del rey Robert Baratheon y la reina Cersei Lannister.
Al igual que sus dos hermanos, Joffrey y Myrcella, su padre biológico es realmente Ser Jaime Lannister, el hermano de la reina. Like his two siblings, his true father was his uncle, Jaime Lannister.
Show Age: 1 presently or 14. Book Starting Age: 6. Actor’s Age: Dean-Charles Chapman, age 16. Tommen has been granted the largest age increase of the Westeros children.

Martin, e da série de televisão adaptada da literatura Game of Thrones. La Casa Baratheon è una casata nobiliare facente parte del mondo della saga fantasy Cronache del ghiaccio e del fuoco di George R. Il loro stemma è un cervo nero su sfondo dorato, incoronato dopo la Ribellione di Robert e il loro motto è "Nostra è la. For the Game of Thrones adaptation, see "Daveth Baratheon ".
A member of theBaratheon dynasty, he is the older brother of Prince Joffrey, Princess Myrcella and Prince Tommen. Many people in Westeros proved themselves in fighting at young age.
I Baratheon dominano le Terre della Tempesta dalla roccaforte di Capo Tempesta. Tommen, unlike Joffrey, is regarded as a good-hearted lad who always tries his best. See Also: History of Westeros Timeline. Before Season Age 0. Tommen is tender-hearted and not as strong-willed as his.
His wife, Queen Selyse, of House Florent. Warning: This post contains spoilers for the sixth season of Game of Thrones. Find GIFs with the latest and newest hashtags! The best GIFs are on GIPHY.
Tommen raised his hand and backhanded her, sending her tumbling to the ground. He then ordered the Kingsguard to take her to the black cells.