Sonos PLAY:Trådløs høyttaler. Search for Stereo sonos. Compare and save now! Get Info From Multiple Sources.
PLAY: – den kraftfulle og intelligente høyttaler, som finjusterer lyden for å gi deg all den energi og følelse, som kunstneren har lagt i den opprinnelige oppdagelse. Musikk, som er ren, vill, lekker og ekte. Fives uforlignelige akustiske teknologi gir dyp bass og imponerende stereo for musikkstrømming, vinyl og mer. Den stilige utformingen har nye detaljer og en monokrom overflate.
It can be orientated in three ways – horizontally or vertically either way up. This gives it greater flexibility for placement as well as a more ‘natural’ look when used in a stereo pair.
Though technology tends to get smaller and thinner with every iteration, this Play:went the other way. It’s probably around the same width and height as the original, but is noticeably thicker – and for good reason. The original Play:5. See full list on whathifi.
In our dedicated listening room, it does little to the soun but move the speaker to a less ideal location – a kitchen or a corner for example – and the difference is audible. It tightens up any boomy bas. A highlight of the Play:is its ability to fill even the biggest room with a rich, powerful sound.

Much of that is a result of the driver set-up, with six matching Class D amplifiers and almost three times the acoustic horsepower of its predecessor. Along the bottom, there are three custom-designed 10cm mid-woofers, which are bigger and more powerful versions of those found in the Play: alongside three tweeters along the top. Some of the extra acoustic power here is used to create a speaker array, similar to that used in the Playbar, to help give a wide sound from a single box.
If you want a complete, substantial multi-room system, there’s a strong case to choose the old hand over the young buck. In fact, that’s probably what we’d recommend. But, viewed as a wireless speaker in its own right, it’s impossible to deny that the Play:can now be beaten for sound quality, not just by the more affordable Audio Pro Addon C1 but also by the more expensive Bluesound Pulse 2. Sit in the sweet spot and listen to your favorite track.
That is some kind of crazy good stereo image and sound stage. When positioned horizontally, Five automatically separates the left and right channels for impressive stereo sound. Pair two speakers and each smartly adjusts to mono for more detailed stereo separation and an even wider soundstage.
For steps to unpair your speakers, see our article on separating a stereo pair. Speakers that support stereo pairing. Deze speakers heb je in dezelfde ruimte geïnstalleerd. Een lekkere kop koffie.
Opplev realistisk 3D-lyd. Nyt kinolyd hjemme. HiFi-strømming med Port. Let the Savings Begin. De gjør det sannelig meg ikke enkelt for konkurrentene! Høyttalerne spiller bra, har en smart romkorreksjon og satt opp i stereo tipper jeg de fleste kommer til å bli imponert over hva de presterer. When vertical it switches to monaural mode. Finn tilbud fra butikker, og les anmeldelser på Prisjakt.
Having previously focused on devices designed to connect electronics and speakers made by other companies, the Play:was the company’s first all-in-one unit. Move er også værbestandig (IP65), noe som gjør at du kan ha den ute i regn, snø og ekstrem varme og kulde.
Best for viderekomne. Tippe in der Registerkarte Einstellungen auf System. Finn produktet i våre butikker eller handle trygt på nett med dagers åpent kjøp. Europas største spesialkjede for hi-fi.
Få pengene tilbake hvis du ikke er fornøyd. Ikke bare er den størst rent fysisk, men den spiller også størst. Den kan brukes alene for å gi god lyd i flere rom, eller settes opp som et stereo -oppsett med to stk. Den spiller stort og kraftig med solid og dyp bass og de fleste vil klare seg uten å kjøpe Sub.

Vertical Orientation. Horizontal Orientation. Play: slik vi har gjort.