Inside are several blue dragons and multiple blue dragon scales, which are scattered around a large pillar and are close together. The blue dragon dungeon has several safespots for rangers and mages, with each safe spot covering 1. After the update Troll Warzone, it was relocated closer to a bank – directly south of the dock past the bridge by the wheat patch. There is a one-way Mithril grapple shortcut from the island t. Water Obelisk Island is just off the coast near Catherby.
See full list on runescape. The dusty key is required to access the deeper areas of the dungeon. To obtain it, go through the dungeon headed south to Kinshra (Black Knight) headquarters.
Players will not get the dusty key if asking for a reward. Near the ladder are two very useful shortcuts. If you have the levels to use them there is no need to bring the dusty key. The level shortcut goes to the Poison spider area deep in the.
Kharidian scorpion 4. This has since been fixed. Free players may now unlock it from the northwe. The dungeon has the entrances of two resource dungeons: the hellhound and blue dragon resource dungeon.
These require and minimum Dungeoneering levels to enter, respectively. The Blue dragon chamber of the dungeon and the resource dungeon accessed from this chamber are the only locations where Blue dragon scales (used for herblore) spawn. If an internal link led you to this disambiguation page, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article.
Ways of getting there include: 1. Teleport to House if your house is in Taverley, or Taverley teleporttablet 3. Falador Teleport spell or tablet 2. Burthorpe Games Room minigame teleport or games necklace to Burthorpe, then run south 4. If the key is lost, another one can be obtained in the same way. Note: The drop trickcan be used to get more than one key at once.
Velrak will not leave the cell. Since this is in the area behind the gate, most players who do not already have a copy of the key cannot reach this area to take this spawn.
Notable features in the first half of the dungeon include: 1. The Cauldron of Thunder, which is used in the Druidic Ritualquest. A black dragon lair containing black dragons and baby black dragons.
They are guarded by Slieve, who will only let players kill them if they have a black dragon task. A blue dragon lair containing blue dragons. The second half of the dungeon contains much stronger monsters.
Chaos druidsin the north-eas. Access to this area requires a dusty key, or at least Agility to use the obstacle pipe. Blue dragon lair, which contains multiple baby blue dragons and adult blue dragons and several blue dragon scalespawns.
Hellhounds, in addition to an extra chamber where Cerberusca. The upper level contains blue and black dragons that can only be killed if they are assigned as a slayer task. The black dragon lair, containing black dragons and baby black dragons, can be accessed via a staircase west of the Cauldron of Thunder. If players have Agility, they.

Remember that you can only kill dragons i. Taverley resource dungeon (8) – dungeon requires level Dungeoneering to enter. Ogre Enclave (6) – usually less crowded than Taverley.
Taverley Dungeon (3) – commonly crowded on busier worlds (Requires Dusty Key or Agility for shortcut). North of The Forgotten Cemetery (8) – only location for free players to fight blue dra. As with all dragons, protection from their dragonfire is required. An Anti- dragon shield or type of dragonfire shield can be combined with an antifire potion and a one-handed weapon to negate the deadly breath.
Super antifire potions are unnecessary as the dragonfire damage is negligible with just an antifire potion. At higher levels the need for such items will become unnecessary due to the speed the player is able to kill each dragon.
Only after completing the Player Owned Farm tutorial 4. Only while on a Slayer challenge from Vannaka 5. Must be Summoning 7. The following methods will provide partial protection: 1. An anti- dragon shield or a dragonfire shield (permanent):offers high protection, significantly reducing dragonfire damage. An antifire potion (temporary):offers partial protection, resulting in damage reduction generally with resistance similar to the shield mentioned above. Alternatively, praye.

In the upper level to the northwest there are some rocks you can safespot behind. The average Blue dragon kill is worth 649. I will be showing you how to get to Taverly dungeon and more importantly Blue Dragons.
A dusty key is required to access the second part of the dungeon. Taverley dungeon is the only location to get blue dragon scales needed to make weapon poison potions. It is also the most popular place to kill legendary Blue and Black.

By the ladder are two shortcuts. If you posses the required levels there is no need to bring the dusty key. Make sure that you are prepared. From the RuneScape, the for all things RuneScape.
Jump to: navigation, search. Blue dragons are the second weakest of the chromatic dragons but are still fairly powerful magic-class monsters.
They primarily attack with magic, by shooting a Fire Bolt spell at the player, as well as both close-range and long-distance dragon breath.