Get Instant Quality Info Now! The table top, made of sustainably sourced mango wood is turned on a lathe, showcasing the skill of Kharadi, an Indian wood turning community and supporting their local craftsmanship.
Mangotreet blir dyrket og pleiet, og når et tre skjæres ne blir et nytt plantet. Mater verner godt om det sosiale ansvar på verdensplan. Bordet er framstilt manuelt på en dreiebenk av de lokale i Jaipur og benene er framstilt av mykt stål, bearbeidet ut av stenger. Bordplaten, laget i bærekraftig mangotreverk er slått på en dreiebenk som viser Kasliwal´s dyktighet og ferdigheter.
De drie poten op de tafel zijn altijd gefreesde stalen buizen, terwijl u voor het tafelblad kunt kiezen tussen zwart of sirkagrijs gebeitst of natuurlijk mangohout. Mater is a conscious and ethical design brand with a strong design philosophy and great emphasis on craftsmanship.
Through collaborations with an external base of established and fresh design talent, Mater combines exclusive high-end furniture and lighting, with working methods that support people, local craft traditions and the environment. Mater besidder en så visionsdrevet optimisme i skabelsen af sine samtidsdesign, at vi som designere automatisk føler os som en del af en større mission.

Som designer kan man nemt komme i tvivl om, hvorvidt verden overhovedet har brug for flere designervarer. La det stå alene eller som en del av en gruppe med flere bord i forskjellige høyder og farger.
The three legs of the table are always made of milled steel tubes, regarding the tabletop you can choose between black and sirka grey stained or natural mango wood. Et lite sofabord som er håndlaget av bærekraftig høstet naturlig mangotre. The finish used on the table top is a. Mango trees are grown and tende and once the productive life of the tree is over, it is cut down and another one is planted.

Incidentally, mango, as a fruit is widely consumed across the country hence the wood is plentiful. Mater offers such a vision-driven optimism in creating in-our-time products that we designers feel a part of a mission.
As a designer you sometimes wonder if we really need more design objects. Bordet er en kombination af gammel indisk håndværk og det skandinaviske simple design. Bordbenene er lavet af stålstænger, der er aftagelige for at gøre transportation lettere.
Bordpladen er lavet af mangotræ med et par varianter lavet af aluminium. Boasting a powder-coated steel frame and a sustainably sourced mango wood tabletop that is turned on a lathe, its organic profile showcases the skill of Kharadi, an Indian woodturning community. Flot og stilrent bord. Køb det hos TrendyLiving.
Bowl Table – Bord fra Mater. Description Tray chic.
Crafted in sustainably grown and harvested mango woo the tabletop is turned manually on a lathe, showcasing the skill of traditional Kharadi woodworkers. Mater er et dansk design brand med en stærk vision om at skabe tidløse og smukke design baseret på en etisk forretningsstrategi. Mater kombinerer eksklusiv høje ende design med arbejdsmetoder, der støtter folk, lokale håndværkstraditioner og miljøet.
The table ’s bowl -like top is turned on a lathe from sustainably harvested mango wood and finished with lead-free water-based PU lacquer. Made from sustainably harvested natural mango woo its wooden lacquer tray easily comes off for transporting or using as a bowl, while the steel legs make a contemporary statement. Bordet forener gamle indiske håndværksteknikker med enkeltheden fra skandinavisk design.

Benene består af malede stålstænger. Find den variant der passer bedst ind i dit hjem her. Each table is made from sustainably harvested mango wood that is lathe.
Innovative, ingenious uses unusual materials and implementation methods. When the best design meets careful technique and selected raw materials, acquires a unique value. It sits on milled hollow steel rod legs. The aluminum is partly recycled and is casted by hand in a small Indian workshop supporting their local craftsmanship.
Blending Indian materials and craftsmanship with minimalist Scandinavian design, the bowl table is a contemporary classic. Mango trees is grown and tende and once the productive life of the tree is over, it is cut down and another one is planted.
Designer Ayush Kasliwal took inspiration from local traditional furniture fabrication and applied his training from the National Institute of Design to create this modern table. THE FIRST LUXURY INTERIOR DESIGN ONLINE SHOP.
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Bordpladen, lavet af bæredygtigt fremskaffede mango træ er drejet på en drejebænk, som fremviser Kharadis dygtighed. Som finish, bruges på bordpladen er et blyfrit, vandbaseret PU lak. The mater bowl table reconciles old indian craftsmanship with the simplicity of scandinavian design the table top made of sustainably sourced mango wood is turned on a lathe showcasing the skill of kharadi an indian wood turning community and supporting their local craftsmanship the bowl table can stand alone or be paired as a side table vignette the finish used on the table top.