Heute verkaufen und Geld verdienen. Bay ist für Sie da! Wir machen die Rückgabe einfach. ITC – 310T is designed with compressor delay protection for refrigeration, high and low temperature alarm, and sensor fault alarm, which makes the temperature controller more safe and reliable.
Functions such as temperature calibration, separately set differential for refrigeration and heating, enable more accurate temperature control. Please read the instruction manua carefully before use, for right application and maintenance.
Safety Precautions Ensure the product using within the specification. Itc-310T-B Thermostate Pdf Anleitung Herunterladen. Enheten kan styre både en kjøleenhet og en varmekilde samtidig, slik at du kan holde nøyaktig temperatur under hele gjæringsprosessen.
Dette betyr at du kan forhåndsprogrammere gjæringsforløpet og så tar. ITC-1controller pdf manual download. Stellen Sie Sicher, Dass Das Produkt Innerhalb Der Spezifikation Verwendet Wird. Berühren Sie Die Klemmen Nicht Während Der Stromversorgung.
The plug and play principle remained: simply connect up the plugs, set the temperature and off you go. Wenn du eine digitale Steuerung in deinem Einkocher verbaut hast, wird das Setup nicht funktionieren. Technical Assistance and Warranty 7. The features it has will allow the brewer to completely control fermentation, crash cooling and fermentation temperature rests with next to no input after the initial setup, the whole thing is completely automated.
Control both heating and cooling, and set independent differentials for each to keep the exact temperature you need. Beskrivelse Teknisk info Andre kjøpte ogs. Hi guys I bought the double pack of InkBird controllers.
The instruction manual is a bit lengthy, but all the details are accurate. Controller Thermostat Logger Wine Cigar Storage. This manual is available in the following languages. Perfekta valet till kylen eller jäskammaren som inte kräver en elektriker.

Always consider the application conditions and use the output, relays within their rated load and electrical life expectancy. STUDENT OF THE YEAR. Inkbird ITC310-T temperaturkontroll.
Denna klarar givetvis att hantera både värme och kyla precis som lillebror InkBird ITC-308. Deze keer hoef je geen formulier in te vullen. We are pleased that the controller is now available and wish you a lot of fun with the device. Ok, so I bought an inkbird 1with the intention of using PID control for mashing and manual mode for boiling.
Once I got I hooked up, even with the (totally useless) manual I could not for the life of me figure out how to get it into manual mode. Checkout all our great deals. Eigenschaftenprogrammierbar. Close Image CONTACT.
Comparing with ITC-3and ITC-306T, which do you prefer? ITC-310T will be released next week on Amazon. Geen idee of je daar iets aan hebt maar volgens mij zou je hier toch mee op weg moeten kunnen.
You get the dual stage controller, temperature probe and manual. The top of the controller displays a wiring diagram. Back of the controller. This removable plate partially shields the wire connections.
I got for that price, and they are WiFi version with plastic probes. InkBird termostaten er klar til brug: sæt stikkene sammen, indstil temperaturen og slå strømmen til! Egenskaber: – Programmerbar: op til trin, hvor du styrer både temperatur og tid. Overblik Hvad er ITC-308?
ITC-3er en sikker og troværdig dobbelt-relæ-udgang temperaturkontrol-enhed. Dens plug-n-play design, med dobbelt LED skærme gør den nem at bruge.
A lot easier than the manual game I ended up playing! Darüber hinaus ist er programmierbar in bis zu Stufen, sowohl für Zeit als auch Temperatur. Das Plug-and-Play-Prinzip ist geblieben. Outlet Thermostats.
Aquarium Thermostats. Digital Humidity Thermostats. Beschikbaarheid: Op voorraad. It looks great and functions excellently.
If you care about fermentation temperature control for your homebrewing, this is the one to get. It has all of the usual awesome stuff that PID controllers have, such as auto-tuning for your system to avoid overshoot.
English User Manual. Automate your grow room’s humidity and temperature with this easy to use plug and play sensor.

In dry conditions we have used it to turn on humidifiers in a grow tent that had a constant exhaust.