Itc- 310T -B Thermostate Pdf Anleitung Herunterladen. Support the channel by using the links below to purchase:ITC. Enheten kan styre både en kjøleenhet og en varmekilde samtidig, slik at du kan holde nøyaktig temperatur under hele gjæringsprosessen. Dette betyr at du kan forhåndsprogrammere gjæringsforløpet og så tar.
Lerne Bier selber zuhause zu brauen! Control both heating and cooling, and set independent differentials for each to keep the exact temperature you need. The plug and play principle remained: simply connect up the plugs, set the temperature and off you go. Legg i ønskeliste.
Beskrivelse Teknisk info Andre kjøpte ogs. Wenn du eine digitale Steuerung in deinem Einkocher verbaut hast, wird das Setup nicht funktionieren.
Det skal lige siges at jeg ikke besidder en eneste lille snert af kompetence inden for det med at stykke ledninger sammen og få en STC mv. The features it has will allow the brewer to completely control fermentation, crash cooling and fermentation temperature rests with next to no input after the initial setup, the whole thing is completely automated.
Inkbird Anschluss. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. Eigenschaftenprogrammierbar. This manual is available in the following languages.
The JC served well for a few. Deze keer hoef je geen formulier in te vullen. Thank you everyone who entered. SYXBL See you all on the next giveaway!
We are pleased that the controller is now available and wish you a lot of fun with the device. Mit ein wenig Einarbeitung ist sie ein guter Brauassistent. It is packed with features to help you keep your beer at just the right temperature, producing perfect lagers and ales alike. It has dual display windows for displaying both set temperature and actual temperature, and can display temperatures.
Only left in stock. Osim toga on se može programirati u koraka, kako za vrijeme aktivacije tako i za temperaturu.
Ostao je princip plug and play: jednostavno spojite utikače, podesite temperaturu i krenete. Temperatures over Time Periods for those that like extra control over their. INKBIRD ITC-310T-B FATHERS DAY GIVEAWAY!
Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. U moet JavaScript geactiveerd hebben om de volledige functionaliteit van deze website te kunnen benutten. Beschikbaarheid: Op voorraad. Nog beschikbaar.
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Paket enthalten: -x inkbird itc-310t-b thermostat mit timer für Gärung, Maischen, Bierbrauen -xHandbuch auf englisch Unser neuer inkbird itc-310t-b ist ab sofort im handel erhältlich. Somit ist das neue modell auch zur automatischen Temperatursteuerung im Sudhaus geeignet, ohne dass die Fähigkeit Gärtemperaturkontrolle verloren geht.
This review covers both editions of this controller. It’s not flimsy but doesn’t feel incredibly durable either.
The body is magnetic and you can attach it to the side shelf of your grill or a cool, metal surface by your oven. The manual does state that the magnetic body shouldn’t be exposed to temperatures over 1degrees Fahrenheit.

FREE Delivery Across Sri Lanka. If you have any problems installing or using this thermostat, please carefully and thoroughly review the instruction manual. LEBENSMITELL BLEIBEN BIS ZU LÄNGER FRISCH.
Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Post questions, comments, reviews or errors in the comment box below. CODE: LABTHINKB31TB. Close Image CONTACT.

Der ITC-310T-B unterscheidet sich vom ursprünglichen ITC-310T im Start der Timer Funktion. Manual 1xNTC Sensor 1xWarranty Card. Get a manual for the model you have, and find the code to access the settings.
Good advice above, and some of this will be said already, but this is how I did mine. I wrote down what the letters meant in terms I could understand, in a note book.
That way I could take my notes out to the smoker. From my notes, P – Power output. Dual Stage Outlet Thermostats Timp. For the Wi-Fi version check it out here.

Több, mint egy hőmérsékletszabályzó, ugyanis hőmérséklet programozható be időtartamra. Regolatore di Temperatura. Schrijf de eerste review over dit product.
The first thing you notice after opening the box is the simplicity of the main unit.