Inkbird ITC -310T-B er markedets råeste temperaturkontroll for hjemmebrygging. ITC -310T is designed with compressor delay protection for refrigeration, high and low temperature alarm, and sensor fault alarm, which makes the temperature controller more safe and reliable. Functions such as temperature calibration, separately set differential for refrigeration and heating, enable more accurate temperature control. Denne modellen lar deg kontrollere gjæringstemperaturen via appen InkbirdSmart.
En praktisk temperaturkontroller med én temperaturprobe og dobbel reléutgang for automatisk styring av både kjøling og oppvarming – perfekt for å opprettholde. Vi tilbyr en rekke produkter og utstyr til ølbrygging.
Besøk vår nettbutikk for en hyggelig handel! In heat mode, the controller switches on when the temperature is below the SET temperature and switches off when above it.
Inkbird is a company which dedicates its passion in producing and marketing of intelligent home automation products. With excellent product quality and efficient technical and logistic service support, Inkbird has won good reputation worldwide. For more information, please click click here.
Inkbird WiFi ITC -er en genial temperaturkontroll for hjemmebrygging. Her er det bare å plugge i og så er du i gang. Read the instruction manual carefully before use, for right application and maintenance. Safety Precautions Ensure the product using within the specification.

Do not touch the terminals at least while power is being supplied. The features it has will allow the brewer to completely control fermentation, crash cooling and fermentation temperature rests with next to no input after the initial setup, the whole thing is completely automated. Connection █ Front Panel and Operation ●PV Process.

Produktinfo Til toppen. Inkbird have listened to the feedback from fish keepers and have updated a unit JUST FOR US! Dual temperature p. Beskrivelse Teknisk info Andre kjøpte ogs. B07DN9K7PHWe make a. Perfekta valet till kylen eller jäskammaren som inte kräver en elektriker.
Smart Wi-Fi Temperature Controller for Aquarium. ITC -306A temperature controller pdf manual download. PID Temperature Controller. ITC -1controller pdf manual download.
Plug and Play Temperature Controller. Payment Policy – We only accept PayPal. It is the only online payment method we accept. ITC -3temperature controller pdf manual download.
ITC-3User Manual Inkbird Tech. This review covers both editions of this controller. Termometer, analogt. Doing so may occasionally result in injury due to electric shock.
Enheten kan benyttes rett ut av boksen, og krever ingen montering. This temperature controller with long NTC Sensor Probe is ideal for beer wine making, fermetation. The temperature sensor can be submersed into your beer direclty during fermentation. Tilgjenglig på lager Ja.

Udstyr » Brygning » Måleudstyr. InkBird termostaten er klar til brug: sæt stikkene sammen, indstil temperaturen og slå strømmen til! Nærmest ubrukt inkbird selges.
En kontakt til kjøl og en til varming. Den kan brukes som over-temperaturbeskyttelse og automatisk temperaturkontrollsystem for forskjellige elektriske apparater som for eksempel utstyr for hjemmebrygging.
Free delivery on eligible orders of £or more. The first order came missing one of the orange clips. They could not ship me just the orange clip so back it went for a full refund.
Sensor Input Type Setting: Set the sensor input type as required(the faulty is the "K" type), the. ITC-1User Manual Inkbird Tech.
This controller can also be used to easily control a single heating or cooling device.