Slagfast stålbur av varmgalvaniserte stålrør. Plasten er høydensitetspolyetylen med UV-beskyttelse. Ventilen er jordet med en gjenge som skrus i begge ender. Overflaten av lokket har en spesiell struktur, som er ribbet og leder ut statiske elektrisitet.
Alle disse koblingene passer til den absolutt mest vanlige gjengetypen på hovedkrana på tankene, som har. Leverandørens varenr. Kun Hent i butikk – sjekk lagerstatus i butikk.
Brukes til lagring og transport av flytende stoffer. Nedgravde avfallscontainere. Use up to 33% less. Har ditt företag behov av smidig transport av svårhanterliga. IBC-tank ger många fördelar. Disse er ikke rengjort. Beide Schritte erfolgen mit wenigen Handgriffen. No Creerá Los Mejores Resultados! IBC-Tank för säker transport! Litre Reconditioned Water Tanks – From £- Direct Water Tanks JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Total ratings£7. Made to order by Pensteel.

Great customer care and fast UK delivery. Litern IBCs eignen sich für flüssige und rieselfähige Güter, als Sammel- und Entnahmebehälter und für entzündbare Flüssigkeiten gemäß der BetrSichV Jetzt online bestellen! Remember that IBCs come in a variety of different sized threads including the S60X as well as S75X S92Xand S100X(see below for a selection of the fittings).
We offer all poly units and totes with steel cages. The IBCs or Intermediate Bulk Containers are lightweight, durable, and corrosion resistant for your liquid handling needs.
This reusable industrial container was designed to handle the transport and storage of bulk granulated and liquid substances, including food ingredients, chemicals, solvents and pharmaceuticals. Chemical-resistant HDPE tank surrounded by a galvanized steel cage. Mounted to steel frame pallet for easy transport.
Meets FDA Requirements. We also do Drum, Barrel and Jerry Can fittings. IBC -FG: Reconditioned.
Tank Master prides itself on supplying the biggest range of domestic, commercial and industrial markets with the largest range and the best prices in Perth, Western Australia and around Australia. We supply Slimline Water Tanks, Modular Water Tanks, Under Eave Tanks, Underground Water Tanks, Aquaplate Tanks, Septic Tanks and Leach Drains.
Save up to 50% on poly intermediate bulk containers and caged tanks. See more ideas about ibc, aquaponics, totes ideas. These industrial standard tanks are suitable for a multitude of liquid uses. Excellent stability for stacking.
Hvis du har et andet gevind på din palletank hane, har vi "gevind konvertere", som kan monteres ind imellem hanen og vores 60xadaptere. Read about company. How many IBCs can fit in a 40-foot shipping container?
The buttress thread size is established by measuring the outside diameter of the male and counting the number of threads per inch. XL Tank leverer produkter til både salg og utleie for de aller fleste bransjer som f. So, my friend Mike contacts me and asks if I would talk rainwater harvesting with him. You can guess what I sai I’m sure.
Several hours, beers, and napkins later we came to this. Plastic tank liner meets FDA criteria as specified in CFR section 177. The ibc totes are equipped with a 2” NPT valve and a cam lock lid.
This is the closest item to a 3gallon plastic container that is rigid yet economical. We are a local recycling business located in Melbourne, Victoria.

All tanks process through Hoover CS’s wash facilities are air teste UN-thickness teste and DOT record kept. Every container goes through a thorough quality control process where parts are inspecte and the container is checked for damage and any possible leaks. The cage is mandatory to prevent the walls to swell under the liquid pressure. This is to provide a rudimentary gravity feed for small welfare blocks, for hand washing and toilet flushing.

SMS og MMS fra Vera Tank. It is to design an aquaponic system.