Items in your cart are not reserved Most items in your eBay shopping cart will be available to other buyers until you pay for them. You can then select Go to checkout, or continue shopping.
Tip for vehicles, auction-style without a Buy It Now option, and Classified Ad can’t be added to the shopping cart. You can pay for most items on eBay using PayPal, a credit or debit card, an eBay gift card or voucher, or Afterpay. Click Return to eBay. Join the discussion and get tips from sellers, as well as content designed by our payments team to help you get the most from payments.
Please note that this board is not a channel for 1:customer support. For time-sensitive or account-specific questions, please contact Payments Customer Service for assistance. Merchants and partners use HTTPS to securely connect with eBay servers. Bay uses the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to encrypt these communications.
To ensure that all financial data is protected throughout payment processes, eBay is updating its services to require TLS 1. Your eBay Credit Card is issued by Synchrony Bank. The eBay Mastercard is issued by Synchrony Bank pursuant to a license by Mastercard international incorporated.
Bay is required to charge internet sales tax on purchases in states. If a shipping address is in one of the marketplace responsibility states within the U. Tax reports are available on Seller Hub.
Bay and included in the order total at checkout. If you can’t find the answer, we’ll connect you with one of our team members.
The only way I can determine which credit card was used is to call or contact the customer service for each of my credit cards and scroll thru recent purchases until I hopefully find which credit card transaction matches my given eBay purchase. By Creating an account, you agree to our User Agreement and acknowledge reading our User Privacy Notice.

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I believe in the vision and I couldn’t ask eBay to do any more for me than what they are doing by paying out daily. You can make a one-time payment on your eBay seller account using PayPal, credit card or direct debit. Just be sure to make your payment at least days before the due date. Choosing a payment method.
You can usually pay with PayPal, credit cards, or debit cards, but it can vary from seller to seller. For more information on ways to pay, see our payment methods article. Find answers to your buying, selling, and account questions, or contact us for more help. Nectar account, just Link your accounts.
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Go to your Seller Account – opens in new window or tab in My eBay. Look for Payment methods for seller fees and select Change automatic payment method. From the dropdown menu, choose your preferred payment method. Enter your information.

For direct debit or card payment, select Save. For PayPal, select Continue. For example, if you made the payment with a credit card, your refund will go to that card. If the payment was made using more than one payment metho you can choose where to send your refund.
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