Finn veibeskrivelse, kontaktinfo, regnskapstall, ledelse, styre og eiere og kunngjøringer. The division supplied equipment for the petroleum industry including drilling, subsea and offshore, onshore, LNG, distributed gas, oil pipeline and oil storage, oil refinery and petrochemical. Er dette ditt firma?

The result of a $5m investment, the center offers a stunning visual showcase of GE’s technologies across the oil and gas industry, and has been designed to help operators achieve optimal efficiency, environmental performance and safety, both now and in the future. GE’s aeroderivative gas turbines are widely used to drive compressors at production sites. They typically run on raw gas taken directly from the well head.
For gas lift, the compressor injects gas into an oil well casing where it passes through lift valves at various elevations causing oil to be lifted out of the well. GE Power is a world leader in power generation and water technologies for utilities, independent power producers and industrial applications. Our portfolio includes gas and steam turbines, distributed power, wind and renewable energy, nuclear energy, and water processing technologies. All guidelines can be downloaded on our website.
The leading global oil, gas and energy news resource. Covering the latest oil and gas news including shale, lng, drilling, exploration and production. Norway ’s oil history in minutes.
The purpose of these centers is to foster collaboration and allow customers to better understand how GE products and services fit into their projects. GE OIL AND GAS has completed hundreds of industrial projects in all industrial sectors. With a long list of products and never ending customer support we are able to guarantee a very high level of satisfaction for our clients.
We offer the cleanest line of services with latest technology, equipment. They search for, explore and produce petroleum, they transport, refine and market petroleum and petroleum products.
They are therefore called integrated oil companies. As a share of GDP, the export of oil and natural gas is approximately 17%. The headquarters is under construction at the intersection of West Beltway and Clay Road.
The magazine covers all areas of the offshore industry, from policy to platforms, research to rig retirement. Production Studio: Ars Thanea. Executive Creative Director: Peter Jaworowski.
Digital Painter: Mikolaj Piszczako. Industry Information.
Open Innovation has been a vital ingredient for the highly innovative Norwegian oil and gas sector, and a main task for SINTEF is to contribute to a continued success story in this respect. Candover, 3i, and JP Morgan Partners. We take a look back at the history of the country’s petroleum industry. Overall it accounts for between and 70% of exports.
In the eagerness to find more, attention was drawn to the North Sea. In collaboration with its customers, the company pushes the boundaries of technology to bring energy to the world.
GE is a pioneer in developing high-spee direct-drive technology. We offer a complete range of solutions to meet the most demanding spee performance and capacity requirements for direct drives of pump and compressor systems in oil and gas applications including offshore, transportation and storage, LNG and turbine replacement.
Stavanger is known as the oil and gas capital of Europe. Headquartered in London, United Kingdom, the company supplies equipment for the global oil and gas industry, used in applications across all segments of the oil and gas value chain, including drilling, subsea and offshore, onshore, LNG. Alta oil and gas field discovery.
We offer GE Oil and Gas Equipment for all New, Use Surplus and Remanufactured requests. We ship domestically as well as internationally. With years of experience in this industry, we have managed to build a very capable and astute team of oil explorers. The Norwegian Oil and Gas Taxation Code includes direct and indirect taxation.
Direct taxation plays the most important role for companies investing in upstream activities on the Norwegian continental shelf. ABB has more than years of experience in delivery full hydrocarbon value chain in oil, Gas and chemicals industry. Det er det norske private equity-fondet Norvestor som er selger.

Partene vil ikke ut med hva Advantec selges for nå, og kjøpet planlegges gjennomført innen nyttår. The Company provides oil and gas exploration and production services.
The oil transport system is not as closely regulated as the gas transport infrastructure, mainly because transport is a less important part of the value chain for oil. The cost of transport is lower in relation to the product price, and buoy-loading directly on to tankers on the oil fields is an alternative to using pipelines and terminals.
We dont have any jobs for your search at the moment. Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply – SSB The CSS file did not download correctly, the screen reader does not support CSS, or your version of Internet Explorer is too old for this website. SINTEF Ocean operates world-class laboratories that focus on developing technologies for the petroleum sector.
Our aim is to strengthen the long-term health of the offshore oil and gas industry in the United Kingdom by working closely. The oil and gas industry is continuing to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and exploit new fields. Nexans provides a complete range of cables and accessories for all of your offshore subsea projects.
Find their customers, contact information, and details on 7shipments.