Doda l27 pump

Doda l27 pump

DODA Lpumpe montert på en galvanisert punkt ramme med regulerbare bein. Hydraulisk drevet vakuum pumpe, standard 4” utløpskobling (SlurryKat svivelkobling). Chromium plated and casehardened pump shaft.

Pressed blades made of hardened manganese-vanadium alloy steel. Hot galvanized scution cone with built-in valve. Widia mechanical seal or double oil seal (on request). Max Output pressure – 14.

DODA pumpene er konstruert for behandling av husdyrgjødsel og behandlingen av rest fra industrielle anlegg. Er meget godt egnet for svært tykk gjødsel.

Klumper og fremmedlegemer i flytende gjødsel blir opprevet ved hjelp av en dobbel snitte mekanisme, som AFI pumpen er utstyrt med som standard. DODA gödselpumpar klarar att pumpa all flytgödsel. Pumphusen är tillverkade i tjockt gjutgods och är dubbelt skärande.

Skålformade pumpvingar skapar ett högt tryck. Drivaxeln ligger i oljebad med kullager i varje sektion. Mekanisk widia tätning är standard.

Produzione di sistemi per il trattamentodei reflui agricoli e industriali. Costruzione macchine agricole. It primes first time, every time. The HD will pump thicker slurry than any other agricultural centrifugal pump on the market.

It is of rugged construction and combines several innovative features. Your pump has a mechanical seal to provide easy priming and positive leak-proof sealing. This doda pump has been fully refurbished and is in very good condition.

Driftssikre pumper med robuste tetninger. Leveres med kuttekniver. GP pumps are stationary or mobile water scooping machines, normally employed for direct flow irrigation of agricultural crops or for transferring water from basins or canals. Frames are eingineered to reach any inclination.

Delivery pipes can rotate 360° and could be lifted with hydraulic jack. De kan henge seg opp hvis en får inn møkk der, og ikke kjører gjennom diesel for å rense opp etterpå. Doda gjødselpumper.

AFI Horizontal Chopper Pump. Vanadium and manganese alloy chopper blades chop the slurry prior to pumping, allowing for fuel efficient, block free operation. Condition is "New&quot. Collection in person only.

De faste bestanddeler findeles av kuttekniver. James, Minnesota, USA Tel. Attractive offers on high-quality agricultural machinery in your area. Deze pompen zijn geschikt voor stationaire opstelling.

Het type MEbeschikt niet over een snij-inrichting en u kunt deze dan ook het beste alleen voor gier, of voor vloeistof met 2- % droge stof gebruiken. Denne maskine er placeret i – Norge.

The unique design utilizes the pumps pressure to keep one side of the valve shut while discharging out of the other. This valve cannot be switched when the pump is running.

Doda l27 pump

Commercial spec 105kph axles with rear steering, full length sight glass and extra discharge ports. Pump Parts Direct, Wakefield. SlurryKat recommend the use of DODA pumps with our systems, as prolonged use by our slurry contracts division has proven that they are efficient, robust and economic to maintain. Spesialkonstruert for håndtering av husdyrgjødsel med fôrrester.

Pumpen et max trykk på 1bar og kan pumpe opptil 1høydemeter. Trykk Enter for å søke eller Esc for å lukke. Tilbud Vanlig pris 39kr på lager. Gebrauchtmaschinen-Online-Portal.

Doda l27 pump

Available in standard. The AFI pump is a high-pressure chopper pump which can be mounted on a tractor or connect to a direct power source.


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