Riesenauswahl an Markenqualität. Blues Piano gibt es bei eBay! Essentially, the blues is a specific progression that uses the C F and Gchords. For the sake of brevity, I’ll only look at playing blues in the key of C).

The blues chord progression lasts bars (thus the phrase “12-bar blues ”) that move in a familiar pattern using those three chords. Playing the blues often comes down to a straight forward chord progression, which anyone can learn and play on the piano within minutes.
Some of the most famous blues, boogie and rock ‘n’ roll songs use this simple chord technique – artists like Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richar Ray Charles and Fats Domino would use these chords in a lot of their legendary songs. Once you learn these dominant seventh chords, you’re good to go!
The following blues chords chart contains all of the chords listed above in the key of A. Additionally, it also includes the positions for playing the same chords in the key of D and E. Although these chords can be played in any key and are fully moveable, I have chosen to list the chord placements in the of A,and E since they follow the I, IV,V formula for playing a 12-bar blues progression. This makes our blues have the following chords.
The second chord we will look at can be used in either the piano blues style as well as jazz. For me, this chord sits nicely in either but leans towards more of a jazzy sound when playing it on its own.
In the simple bar blues we play all of these chords as dominant 7th chords so the three chords we will be using are F Bband C7. The structure of the blues form is the same in any key so it’s important that you understand it numerically as this will give you the blueprint to find the chords no mater what key you are playing in.
We need to add a bluesy character to each of the chords. When we discussed about the different seventh chords I told you that the seventh notes has to functions in music.
By only repeating the chords, you’ll run around in circles. This is why it’s great to incorporate the blues scale into your playing. By doing this, you will know how to play melodic pieces and also how to improvise in between the chords.
One of the easiest and most important scales for blues piano is the so-called blues scale. Jazz often uses the staple blues chord progressions from above as the foundation and embellishes them by adding other chords from the diatonic scale, such as the and chords. Plus, it often adds diminished chords, for example a half step up from the chord position (e.g.
Ebto Edim7). See jam tracks below. You can improvise blues in minor keys as well. Further reading: 12-bar blues.
If you play a chordal instrument such as piano or guitar, be sure you can comp through this and play all of the chords. If you are a horn player or other instrumentalist, be able to play the arpeggios. Firstly, how do you form a blues scale?
A blues scale consists of different notes, namely the root, flat 3r 4th, flat 5th, 5th and flat 7th of the major scale: – b– – b– – b7. Played by boogie-woogie piano players and later appropriated by Robert Johnson, the shuffle pattern is in its most basic form a series of alternating 5ths and 6ths. FIGURE outlines the I, IV and V chords as played in a shuffle. Use your fret-hand’s index finger on the root of each chord, your ring finger on the 5th and your pinkie on the 6th.
Free Jazz Lesson, Video, Jam Track. For example, in a song in C, the chord progression would be C-F-G. For a song in the key of A, the chord progression would be A-D-E. If you listen to any blues piano recording of your choice, you’ll hear the pianist connecting scales and chords over a given chord progression.

These three devices ( scales, chords and chord progressions ) are important because a vast majority of blues pianists (both aspiring and accomplished) use them. In these lessons you will learn a lot of great blues piano chords, riffs, and scales. To learn this funky.
Let’s start with the basics. Step 2: Left Hand Funk Bassline. As you can see we are playing in a pattern of root, 5th, 7th, and octave of the chord. Schau dir Angebote von Top-Marken bei eBay an.

Today I want to talk to you about the bar blues. The bar blues is a chord progression used in blues and rock music that lasts for bars. Gee, I wonder where it got its name?
But the most challenging aspe In this article you will learn a step-by-step method for building and practicing rootless chord voicings, which will help you achieve an advanced pro sound. Before we dive into the theory behind each of the jazz blues progressions in this lesson, here are some characteristics of the blues. Most blues chord progressions are bars long, although there are also1 1 or more bar blues changes.
The Solution below shows the D blues scale, on the piano, treble clef and bass clef. Since the key of D appears on the Circle of fifths diagram as both a major and minor key, the Lesson steps explain both ways of constructing this blues scale for this key: The 1st construction, using the major scale, starts at Lesson 3. For the purist, most blues chords add 7ths, but 9ths and 13ths can be used as well.
The chord shape and guitar tuning plays a big part too.