This yacht has excellent – and very safe – sailing characteristics. The XXL cockpit area is pleasantly commodious during sailing and in between. And below deck there is all the room you need for six people. The CRUISER is the small, yet still very great BAVARIA.
It comes in a 2- and a 3-cabin version with single or twin helm positions. There has been a BAVARIA (JJ), similar in appearance to this one, in production for a number of years.
They have been popular in the charter trade. The details shown in various brochures has proved to be inconsistent so basic information provided here can only be considered approximate.
Easy to handle, low maintenance family cruiser ideal for exploring the Med. All cruising has been carried out in the Med no more than miles offshore. Price as reviewed: £3000. Verzichten Sie unter Deck auf nichts.

Schon in der kleineren Variante der BAVARIA CRUISER – der mit zwei Kabinen – haben Sie alle Annehmlichkeiten, die man unter Deck für einen Törn braucht. En trygghet for våre kunder og leverandører. It was a very nice week with good sailing weather.
Et ypperlig seil som vil fungere i mange år fremover for både tur og regatta. Seilet er meget lett og formstabilt. Equipped and ready to cruise the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Perfect for gateways, this sailing yacht has been designed for easy handling: she is functional and easy to manoeuvre.
We have enjoyed the ergonomic deck plan and the rear skirt that is ideal for bathing. You will be surprised by the interior space this -foot sailboat. Jag vet inte hur många exemplar som tillverkats.
Negativ akter med integrerad badplattform. Komplett kundeservice. Ingen bestillingsgebyrer. Begge båter kunne bare leveres med to lugarer. Send Privat Melding. Find Members Posts. Legg til i Venneliste. Medlem Medlem siden: 24. Bavaria ESedan. Puter, tepper, putevar og dyne leveres ut ved utleie. At wide-open-throttle, we reached 7. Tankage is gallons each for both fuel and water. What’s she like to sail? Den nye 35-foteren blir svært lik foteren.
Skroget er forlenget noen få centimeter, kjølen litt tyngre, og riggen litt større. Båten vil bli solgt som et alternativ til -foteren. In der Rubrik Yachtwerften bei BoatNet viele Links zu verschiedenen Yachtwerften und Yachtherstellern. The Shoal draft version features a shorter keel to grant access to shallow areas.

Med ett lättdrivet skrov, moderat bredd och välbalanserat segelplan ger Cruiser mycket seglingsglädje. Den vanligaste konfigurationen är med rullmast vilket gör båten mycket enkel att hantera för en eller två personer.

Søk blant alle typer båter i hele Norge! Den byr også på Varmeapparat. Den leveres med to ratt og tre lugarer, og passer dermed bedre til familiemarkedet enn sitt søsterskip Cruiser 33.
Her interior woodwork is neat, she has plenty of storage space and is highly valued as a family yacht. Looking for a power boat? Choose from over 8. From motor yachts to fishing boats. Search and buy now!
The elegant and sporty exterior design of the SPORT HT. The large window area on the sides is technically and functionally matured from its bigger sister, the SPORT HT. The large sunroof can be opened with an integrated easy-going manual Softtop.
Thanks to the large side windows and windscre.