Explanation of the symbols The northern lights are present all year aroun but we can’t see them unless the evenings and nights are dark. Also, the northern lights are above the highest clouds, which means that we need a clear sky to be able to see them. Fred Sigernes at the University Centre in Svalbard operated Kjell Henriksen Observatory.
Information about the service is found here. Details about the service are also published in Journal for Space Weather and Space Climate, and can be downloaded here. Skibotn (NO) Geomagnetic Conditions. This means midnight universal time is p. If you want to know Alaska’s night forecast from midnight to sunrise, when the aurora is often more active, you should look at the next day’s forecast.
If the forecast predicts KPthat is a very high probability where the dancing lights can even be seen as far South as France! Tonight’s estimated aurora level: Level – High. Spectacular displays of the northern lights thus occur at roughly 27-day intervals, the time it takes the sun to rotate once. Aurora forecast trondheim.

October, February and March are the best months for seeing the aurora borealis. Selv om det er forespeilet høy KP, så kreves det også at været spiller på lag og at det er skyfri himmel.
Day by day forecast. Last updated today at 16:49. Todays weather forecast, by the hour and long term.
Light Clou High 6. The forecast lead time is the time it takes for the solar wind to travel from the Lobservation point to Earth. The Astronomy North aurora forecast is updated daily before noon Mountain Time. This is a very helpful tool for predicting auroras.

This forecast uses space weather data provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Forecasts are adjusted as solar and magnetic field conditions change. Meet our Forecaster. The Forecast has also pointed out hotspots which are ideal for seeing the lights.
Camp Tamok, Lyngen and Malangen are all within minutes drive from Tromso. See weather overview. Long term Kp forecast. Our goal is to make all the difficult values and measurements easy to understand.
Nyheter: Slik blir NRKs TV-jul. Du har sikkert sniktittet inn i bakgården til Vitensenteret og sett en massiv kule, som kanskje mest av alt ligner på en høyteknologisk planet fra en science fiction-verden? Trondheim har avdekket smitte hos mange som ikke har symptomer.
NORDLYSVARSEL – NORDLYSET AKKURAT NÅ Akkurat nå er det stor aktivitet. Hvis du befinner deg innenfor breddegrad 56. N eller lenger nord har du en mulighet til å se nordlyset dersom vær- og lysforholdene er optimale.
Våre åpningstider og tiltak for din sikkerhet. Er mor til to tvillingjenter på måneder, Sonja og Rajsa. Begge jentene får melk på flaske og er friske og raske. Nøyaktig og detaljert værvarsel i Trondheim.
Temperatur og luftfuktighet, trykk, hastighet og vindretning, nedbør, soloppgang, solnedgang. Her sammen med rektor Jostein Iversen. Det er mange i skøytemiljøet som har gått på Nidaros og som har vært kjempefornøyd.
Barnehageplass i Regnbuen barnehage? Husk søknadsfrist 1. Les mer om cookies her. The map of Iceland shows forecast of cloud cover. Green areas are cloudy and white areas clear skies.

Move the slider below the cloud cover map, or click directly on a day or time. The forecast of auroral activity at midnight, scale tois shown in the upper-right box.
Between late September and late March, Northern Norway is dark from early afternoon until late morning, and the northern lights frequently soar across the sky. Our bold claim is that this part of Norway, with its multiple islands, deep fjords and steep mountains, is among the most beautiful and.