Enheten er den eneste grunnenheten i SI-systemet med prefiks. It is a widely used measure in science, engineering and commerce worldwide, and is often simply called a kilo in everyday speech. Symbolet for kilogram er kg.

Selv om kilogram er en grunnenhet, har man av tradisjonelle grunner valgt å beholde prefikset kilo og bestemt at masse skal uttrykkes ved prefikser knyttet til gram og ikke til grunnenheten. Ett kilogram, förkortat kg, är grundenheten för massa i Internationella måttenhetssystemet (SI) – den enda grundenhet som bär ett SI-prefix. English dictionary definition of kilogram. The base unit of mass in.
Ny definisjon fra 20. Paris som var definisjonen på kilogrammet. Man har ønsket at gøre definitionen uafhængig af et prototypelod ved at fiksere en naturkonstant til en bestemt talværdi.
Hektogram til Kilo. Kilogram, basic unit of mass in the metric system. It is in widely used in science, engineering, and commerce worldwide. For info som ikke er relatert til kryssor så kan du slå opp kilogram i ordboka.
Ett gram er definert som en tusendel av ett kilogram, SI-enheten for masse. Før SI-systemet, ble ett gram definert som absoluttvekten av én kubikkcentimeter (en milliliter) rent vann ved °C. Nå er det usikkert hvor mye ett kilogram egentlig veier. For å få dette til, ble det etablert måleenheter for ti lengde og masse.
It is equal to the magnitude of the force exerted on one kilogram of mass in a 9. One kilogram -force is equal to exactly 9. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and. Eit kilogram er definert som massen til ei bestemt mengde av ei platina-iridium legering.
Definition: A kilogram (symbol: kg) is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI). It is currently defined based on the fixed numerical value of the Planck constant, h, which is equal to 6. For a limited time, get months of Audible for just $6. I dagligtale blir kilo ofte brukt som kortform for kilogram. What does kilogram mean?
Clipping of kilogram. July 2 Nick Miroff, “Mexico gets a taste for eating insects. Hvor mange ounces er det i et kilogram (kg)? Denne vektomforeren finner svaret for deg.
Synonyms for kilogram in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for kilogram. Looking for online definition of kilogram or what kilogram stands for? So to ensure the accuracy of mass and weight measurements, all the standard masses used in all the measurements around the globe were, in theory, to be directly compared to the IPK — which was kept by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) in Sèvres, France.

More than a century of cleanings and exposure to air had caused the original. In November, scientists from around the world met in Paris to do something remarkable: they redefined the kilogram. This standard of measure was once based o. MB DeviationsFromIPK.

KB En-us- kilogram. Hat as bestemet troch det urkilogram, det as en silinder ütj Platin-Iridium. Hi woort uun Frankrik ferwaaret. Logically, the kilogram should be called by a different name.
Det ianhaid woort mä „kg“ ufkört. Proposed changes to the SI are considered by the Consultative Committee for Units. Tous nos produits sont bio, locaux, ou les deux! It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the Planck constant to be 6. J s, which is equal to kg m²s⁻¹, where the metre and the second are defined in terms of c and Δν Cs. This is a conversion chart for kilogram (Metric).
To switch the unit simply find the one you want on the page and click it. You can also go to the universal conversion page.
Enter the value you want to convert ( kilogram ). Then click the Convert Me button. Your value gets instantly converted to all other units on the page. To convert grams to kg, multiply the gram value by 0. Gram (g) is equal to 0. For example, to convert 1grams to kg, multiply 1by 0.