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Today natural gas accounts for 23% of the world’s energy consumption and usage is growing. GE is working alongside oil and gas companies to power their success.

Nok et selskap i den norske oljenæringen kutter nå i arbeidsstokken. Kuttene i General Electric rammer imidlertid ikke oljehovedstaden Stavanger. For over 1years, GE has been investing and growing its presence across Europe. With over 90employees, 9locations, annual revenues of €billion and activities in numerous key sectors including aviation, energy generation and management, healthcare and additive manufacturing, GE plays a vital role to drive growth and competitiveness in the continent.

As cost pressure on oil and gas downstream operations increasingly grows, electrical systems can help to improve operational efficiency. In collaboration with its customers, the company pushes the boundaries of technology to bring energy to the world.
GE vil spesielt Ønske å delta i videre arbeid for standardisering av undervannsløsninger (kap. ) og diskusjon i regi av Norsk Industri og OLF om incentivsystem for leverandørindustrien (kap. ). GE Oil and Gas er tildelt kontrakt for leveranse av av avansert LNG-tjenester til Gorgon-feltet utenfor Australia. Kontrakten har en verdi på 4millioner dollar.

GE OIL AND GAS has completed hundreds of industrial projects in all industrial sectors. With a long list of products and never ending customer support we are able to guarantee a very high level of satisfaction for our clients.
We offer the cleanest line of services with latest technology, equipment. The division supplied equipment for the petroleum industry including drilling, subsea and offshore, onshore, LNG, distributed gas, oil pipeline and oil storage, oil refinery and petrochemical.
Godalen Videregående. Rapporter denne profilen Om NHO LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORT. Rogaland fylke, Norge. Oil and Gas Digitalisering og smarte løsninger gir økt fokus på kjernevirksomheten Med våre løsninger kan disse selskapene fokusere mer på kjernevirksomheten og mindre på infrastruktur.
Drawing on a storied heritage of invention, BHGE harnesses the passion and experience of its people to enhance productivity across the oil and gas value chain. Headquartered in London, United Kingdom, the company supplies equipment for the global oil and gas industry, used in applications across all segments of the oil and gas value chain, including drilling, subsea and offshore, onshore, LNG.
Search our open positions to fulfill your career aspirations with purpose. At GE, we rise to the challenge of building a world that works. GE is a pioneer in developing high-spee direct-drive technology.
We offer a complete range of solutions to meet the most demanding spee performance and capacity requirements for direct drives of pump and compressor systems in oil and gas applications including offshore, transportation and storage, LNG and turbine replacement. We offer GE Oil and Gas Equipment for all New, Use Surplus and Remanufactured requests.
We ship domestically as well as internationally. Det er det norske private equity-fondet Norvestor som er selger. Partene vil ikke ut med hva Advantec selges for nå, og kjøpet planlegges gjennomført innen nyttår.
Daglig leder, styreleder, styremedlemmer og eiere. Elektrifisering, automatisering og digitalisering krever innovative løsninger. Vi er Norges partner innen bærekraftige teknologier og det grønne skifte.
A major oil company sought to improve effectiveness of its equipment maintenance spend. Compressor failure accounted for a significant share of the company’s lost production, resulting in a strict routine maintenance policy on all gas compressors. Non-productive time dropped significantly, but planned maintenance events rose significantly.
JSC Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation (GOGC) is a diversified company with business activities in various segments of energy. It has the status of the National Oil Company and protects state interests in the Production Sharing Agreements signed with investors. They’ve been an industry leader through constantly evolving energy sector dynamics and increasingly.
They understand the entire energy value chain and know that oil and gas will continue to play a critical role. Oslo-området, Norge. Candover, 3i, and JP Morgan Partners. GE has launched the latest evolution of its HA gas turbine, the 7HA.
GE has also achieved a milestone with MYTILINEOS S. Greek industrial company, which placed an order for the GE 9HA. Europe at the Agios Nikolaos Power Plant in Greece. GE Industrial Motors a Wolong company offers low and medium voltage motors for most upstream, midstream and downstream applications.
From a deep offshore production facility, to a Gas to Liquid (GTL) facility in Saudi Arabia or the extreme cold environments of the Canadian Oil Sand fields, GEIM motors are engineered to excel in extreme operating conditions. Les dernières news de cette entreprise. Se hele profilen til Geir Talseth.
Norway is an important supplier of oil and gas to the global market, and almost all oil and gas produced on the Norwegian shelf is exported. Company and government revenues from sales of oil and gas have played a crucial role in creating modern Norwegian society.
Also, with its Subsea Production Systems. GE today announced a major expansion of its presence in the global oil and gas industry, entering into an agreement to acquire Vetco Gray for $1.