Lovers of coffee art. The Macchiato, also known as the Caffe Macchiato or Espresso Macchiato, has a bolder flavor than many.
Both these drinks were invented by Italians, yet they each serve a different purpose in the coffee world. The macchiato is a truly classic Italian beverage that celebrates espresso, while lattes are a creamier option with flavor add-ins that make them a hard choice to resist as well. In coffee drinks, latte means coffee mixed with milk, while macchiato means coffee with a milk “stain”.
In latte, the addition of milk was used for its flavor and the artwork on top with milk foam is for visual presentation whereas, in macchiato, milk is added for visual presentation. But the craft of our baristas is what makes each drink unique. Explore the differences.
A macchiato is mostly espresso with just a little bit of steamed or foamed milk. Like a macchiato, a latte is created from espresso and steamed milk.
In Italian, a latte essentially means coffee with milk. This is mostly because the Italian word for milk is literally ‘latte’. Latte Macchiato vs.
However, since the English speaking world has adopted this Italian creation, the variations of lattes have grown and grown. The main difference between latte and latte macchiato is how the ingredients are poured into the cup.
It happens because it is milk that is added to espresso. As a result, you get separate layers of espresso, milk, and foam. That is pretty much where their similarities end. Caffe latte and cappuccino have the same serving size of 16-ounce (medium, 4ml), whereas the serving size of macchiato is 2-ounce (small, ml).
The caffeine content of cappuccino and latte is also the same (approx. 1grams), whereas the amount of caffeine in a macchiato is around grams per serving.
The difference between a latte macchiato and a latte is evident in the translation of the terms. The word macchiato means “stained milk” while latte means “coffee with milk. There is a slight difference, in that regular latte uses 2% milk while latte macchiato uses whole milk.
But that’s only a Starbucks thing, since most coffee shops don’t really use anything but 2% milk anyway. Since smell is closely linked to taste, this can impart a more pronounced espresso taste to a latte macchiato.

In terms of caffeine, however, a latte macchiato has about the same as a cafe latte, and may even have less depending on how many shots are added to the drink. Conversely, even though a caffè macchiato is traditionally about half the size of a latte macchiato, it’s a much stronger drink. A latte macchiato is a larger drink. En latte macchiato er det motsatte av en caffè macchiato: Det er markert melk.
The easiest way to distinguish between a latte and a macchiato is by simply looking at the drink! In Macchiato the coffee is well-mixed with milk which is usually much lighter, and at the top of the cup is a light foam.
The latte is usually much diluted since the milk is not fully mixed like the macchiato. However, the names and labels of coffee can be quite confusing. It is essentially the midpoint between a macchiato vs latte where there is a 1:ratio of espresso and milk.

The coffee is still the highlight of the drink, and milk offers a crisp texture vs Macchiato. Interestingly enough, the emphasis is on the milk for a latte macchiato vs a traditional macchiato. It is mostly steamed milk and foam, with just about half a shot of espresso. The latte is served by pouring lots of milk into the espresso shots and finishing it off with foam.
Those two ingredients create a creamy texture and significantly dilute the strong coffee flavor. Macchiato is made by adding one teaspoon of milk or two to the espresso and marking the drink with foam. Caffè latte, caffèllatte eller caffellatte er italiensk for kaffe og melk.
Kaffedrikken skrives på italiensk i ett or caffèllatte eller caffellatte, eller usammentrukket caffè e latte. På kaffemenyer utenfor Italia brukes også skrivemåten caffe latte uten aksent. Termen latte er enda vanligere utenfor Italia.
Den vanligste feilskrivningen er cafe latte. Forholdet mellom espresso og melk. The other way around means your making a latte.
For a latte macchiato, the espresso is carefully added to the steamed milk so that the thinner java will sit on top of the thicker milk. The milk foam then rests on top of both. With a latte, the steamed milk is painstakingly incorporated into the espresso, which is already in the cup. Iced coffee drinks are popular around the world since the past many years, regardless of a hot or a cold geographical region.

Instead of the espresso and steam milk being separate lattes will combine the espresso with the steamed milk. This is different than the cappuccino, whose layers stay very much defined from one another.
The caffe macchiato, or espresso macchiato as it can be calle is a shot of espresso with an added teaspoon or two of steamed milk and foam. The latte macchiato is prepared the opposite way — a shot of espresso poured into a larger volume of steamed milk. Some shops may add flavored syrups like caramel to these types of macchiatos. It is unique from an espresso macchiato in the sense that milk is emphasized instead of the espresso.
Additionally, for a latte macchiato, an espresso shot is used to stain the steamed milk. To create a beautifully layered Iced Macchiato, we pour cold milk over ice, topped with two shots of espresso. For a Hot Macchiato, a rich and bold espresso beverage, we add a layer of steamed milk, topped with two shots of espresso, then finished with milk foam.
If you’re confuse it might be because big coffee chains offer latte macchiato under the simple names of macchiato, omitting the latte part. So whereas a latte is carefully foamed milk poured over espresso, much the same as most coffees, a latte macchiato flips the traditional on its head. A time ago, coffee was solely rated and chosen on taste preferences.
A traditional macchiato may come in a glass that reveals its layers. Typically, the layer of the espresso is at the bottom, followed by a dollop of foamed milk.
Nowadays however, a latte macchiato—the default of coffee shop chains—will begin with milk on the bottom. The flat white will present more like a cappuccino or latte.